Company history
- Established April 21st 2004
- Philosophy:
‘Intelligent technology for sustainable, ecological and efficient solutions to meet present needs of
mankind and improve the perspectives of future generations ´ - Headquaters: Schwabach (GER)
- Branches: New Delhi (IND), Pame (Arunachal Pradesh, India)
- Bambutec Builder Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India
- Bambutec Arunachal Pvt. Ltd., Pame, Arunachal Pradesh, India
- Greensteel Corp., Orlando, FL, USA
- Awards:
- Most Important Invention of the Year 2002 (published in `Bulletin of the German Patent Office´)
- Nomination of the `German Invention Award´ (2004)
- IENA Gold Medal (2005)
- Prize of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Nuremberg (2005)
Gold medal IENA 2005 IENA 2005: Honorary award, Chamber of industry and commerce Gold medal IENA 2005
Our motivation
Considering mankind’s’ situation in a global economy today, hunger and poverty with shocking lack of perspective for a growing majority is characteristic for this current era.
Especially disadvantaged regions with the highest population suffer from wrongful politics in favor of global pursuit of profit.
Development assistance barely mitigates this dilemma. The construction industry is particularly essential for quality of life of any human being. Materials like concrete, steel, glas, brick, sand, etc. lead to consistently growing environmental damages.
Bambutec-Technology demonstrates ways for sustainable construction, consonant with the environment and peoples’ needs, without compromises or disadvantages, quite the contrary.
Earthquake-resistance is only one of many typical properties of Bambutec construction frameworks.
Solutions provided by technology

Bambutec defines a systematic jointing method for poles, primarily of natural origin. The growth of plants results in many materials with exceptional high potential, which are at our disposal in basically inexhaustible quantity.
Bambutec-Technology defines tools, machines and processes to create reproducible connections for transmission of torque, tensile and compressive force in every joint element.
This lays the foundation for any kind of structure, in any form and dimension to be calculated and projected.